Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Engine Valances - Part Two

Much fettling of the drivers side valance has been going on this evening in order to improve the fit. I'm still a long way from happy with it and I haven't even got around to designing the heatshield for the carbs which I want to include, but things are coming along nicely at long last!

I took a pretty methodical approach and bolted the cardboard template in place. I was then able to use the fixing bracket as a datum point - this allowed me to combine the template of the valance with a profile template of the bulkhead that I made earlier. The result is that the template follows the profile of the bulkhead really nicely with only a 2-3mm gap between. The same is true with the cut outs for the air filters. Now I've got that sorted I'd really like to tighten up the gaps at the front and around the suspension and sort out what's going to happen at the lower edge.

And finally a picture of the brackets where these valance mount up. These take two bolts and are located 1 3/4 inches above and 1/8 of an inch inboard of the body mounting bracket.


mikeyb said...

Will, how are you going to protect your air cleaners? Looks like you may run into the same problem I have with the Herald - when it rains, the air cleaners get wet!
Rgds Mikeyb

William Columbine said...

Interesting! I've run without valances in all weathers ever since I had it and never had any problems! I'll probably make a flange to shield the bottom of filters if it's going to be an issue.

Anonymous said...

how did you make out with the high torque starter?
I was curious if you had to remove the steering rod and or shim?


jim from usa
